Welcome to my world!

February 2017 Update

The world is changing right before our very eyes and history is in the making. Living in these times is incredibly challenging as a parent. Our children seek answers, and those are becoming more complicated and harder to form.

I am the mother of four daughters and I hold them in my heart every day. It doesn’t matter that they are now grown women. I need them and yes, even though they aren’t always willing to admit it, they need me. I also have two stepdaughters although I am not as involved in their lives. If you are interested in learning more about us, please read my February 2017 posting “Re-Introduction.”


March 2015 Update
My blog is now three years old. I am still writing about my four daughters and two stepdaughters, but they have grown older and my interactions with them are changing. So many times I see myself in them, and those interactions are causing me to reflect on the person I was at their age and the person I have become.

To date this blog is a collection of stories about the treacherous journey we traveled as the last two daughters maneuvered through adolescence. I encourage you to read through some of the archives. My hope is you will land on a story that will help you in some way with the journey you are on.

Going forward from this date, I will continue to write about life with my four daughters but the focus will change slightly since my role with them has changed. Who knows where this will lead me? We’ll discover together.

I welcome your comments, if you are so inclined to leave some.


Original “About Me” entry from February 2012

When my first daughter was only a few hours old, the doctor was doing his rounds and, finding just the two of us, sat down and chatted for a few minutes. The doctor and I had known each other for many years, so it was not unusual for us to have a more personal conversation than most people have with their doctors. In that quiet moment, we talked about parenting and thought into the future, wondering what this precious baby would become as an adult. The doctor made a statement that has stayed with me. “You are now a mother and will be one until the day you die.”

I didn’t find it a morbid statement. Just hours from having given birth to the most beautiful baby in the whole world, I was proud. Yes! I am a mother! And always will be!

As time went on, I had three more daughters. As my children were growing up, I took pains to be a good mother, teach them well, all the right stuff. And I had this vision that when the youngest turned eighteen, my job of being a mother would end. Instead, I find the doctor’s statement has come back to me.

My oldest daughter, now twenty-six, is a mother herself. Her daughter is a precocious eighteen months. My second daughter, twenty-four, is six months from getting married. My third, is twenty, and attending college. And the youngest, as I mentioned, is eighteen. About six years ago, I married for the second time and welcomed two other daughters into my life. They are both in their thirties, both married, both have two children (a boy and a girl each).

Six daughters. At times our lives define the word drama. I could write a master’s thesis on adolescence and hormones and uncontrolled insanity as opposed to controlled. Instead, I’ve chosen to share moments of our lives, of my four daughters plus two.

February 2012

2 thoughts on “Welcome to my world!

  1. YES. When I birthed my son (in water at home) exactly six years ago, my happiness defied words. Among the billions on this planet, I (capital, bolded) was Tennyson’s mother and when I passed someday, would REMAIN his mother in history, in blood. Glorious. Breathtaking. Sacred. How wonderful you got to experience this multifold =) and into another generation.

    I trust you will understand:

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